
  • Managing And Management Theory In Hindi Pdf
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 15. 04:13

    ADVERTISEMENTS:Not only had the practitioners/businessmen, but also the academicians begun to show extraordinary interest in this subject.This resulted in the development of a number of approaches to its study. The different approaches developed by various thinkers have led to a kind of confusion as to what management is, what management theory and science are, and how it should be studied?

    Harold Koontz has correctly called the situation as “the management theory jungle”.Harold Koonti, therefore, has tried to cross through jungle and to classify the various approaches into schools of management theory. His work has been supplemented by scholars such as John F.


    Mee, Joseph A. Litterer, W.W. Cooper and others.Based on the writings of these and other thinkers we have made an attempt to classify management thought in five schools of management theory. The Decision Theory School.These schools of thought are discussed below: 1. The Operational (Management Process) School:The exponents of this school concede that the primary function of management is to get things done with and through people as individuals and as members of work groups. That is why; this school is known as Operational School. It views management as a universally applicable body of knowledge and theory applicable to all types and levels of organizations.This school aims at finding out the main functions of the managers and to classify them into basic principles of management practice.

    This school attempts to analyse intellectually the nature, purpose, structure and the underlying process of each of the functions of management. The essence of this approach, therefore, lies in the analysis of the process of management. ADVERTISEMENTS:This school of management thought was propounded by the noted French management thinker and practitioner, Henry Fayol. A contemporary of Taylor, Fayol for the first time attempted a systematic analysis of the overall management process.

    His ideas on management have been referred as the Administrative Management Theory, which later evolved into the Management Process School.This approach is also known as the “Traditional Approach”, “Universalist Approach”, and “The Classicist Approach.”Harold Koontz says that this approach bases its analysis on the following fundamental beliefs:(i) Management is an operational process which can be divided into various functions. ADVERTISEMENTS:(ii) Experience can furnish grounds for distillation of theory and principles. It can also help to improve the practice.(iii) The principles of management can be tested through research and experiment to find their validity and improve their applicability.(iv) Management is an art but like medicine or engineering, it relies on its principles.(v) Management principles shall never become untrue even if a practitioner ignores them in a given situation.(vi) Manager’s job may be affected by varied environmental factors. But the management science need not cover all the fields of knowledge in order to serve as a foundation of management practice.

    Criticism:This school has been criticized on the grounds that (a) it is losing its validity for want of any significant contribution after Hemy Fayol’s contribution at the end of the 19th century; (b) The so called universal principles of management have, on various occasions, failed to stand the test of empirical scrutiny; (c) Since organizations function under dynamic conditions, searching for universal principles may not always prove to be a full-proof exercise. Conclusion:Despite all this criticism this School has certainly provided a concept on framework which can be beneficially utilized to identify the essentials of management. The Empirical School:It is also named as the management by customs school. The pioneers who have contributed to this school of thought maintain that management is a study of the past experience of managers. The important contributors associated with this school are Earnest Dale, the researchers from Harvard Business School and the Management Associations in different countries, more notably the American Management Association.According to them (a) Management is the study of experience; (b) the managerial experience can be gainfully utilized by passing it over to the practioneers, students, etc. ADVERTISEMENTS:Moreover, learning of management through experience is a time consuming process and top-level executives have neither patience nor time to learn about the management in this fashion. Finally, this approach altogether discards the theoretical aspects of management.

    The Human Behaviour School:Elton Mayo, the director of the “Hawthorne Studies” is the proponent of this school of thought.Human behaviour school considers the behaviour of human beings as the focal point of the management action. It does not view management strictly as a technical process. Based on its objectives and scientific research of individual behaviour and motivation, it was established that the relationship between morale and productivity had been over-simplified by human relationlists.The Behaviour Science approach to management laid more stress on the application of the methods and findings of general social psychology and sociology for understanding the organisational behaviour.

    Behaviour Science Movement is regarded as a further refinement of human relations movement. It covered much wider aspects in interpersonal roles and relationships. ADVERTISEMENTS:With its major emphasis on human relations, informal groups, communication, employee motivation and leadership styles, the behaviour approach to management has drawn attention to a wide range of socio-psychological phenomena like the dynamics of organisational behaviour, group dynamics, organisational conflict, change and techniques of organisational development.This approach is, therefore, also known as “Human Relations Approach” or “Behavioural Science Approach”. As this approach views the manager as a “Leader” and treats all “Lead” activities as managerial activities, it is also called as “Leadership Approach.”The following are the important aspects of the behavioural science approach: (i) Employee Motivation:This includes a determination of the factors that lead to high productivity and high morale. (ii) Organisation as a social system:It includes studies of role, status symbol as well as the functions of informal groups. (iii) Leadership:This school also underlines the role of personal leadership in management.

    Management Theory And Practice Pdf

    The scope of this school includes study of human relations and how the manager can grasp their implications, study of manager as a leader and the way he should lead and study of group dynamics and interpersonal relationships. It involves the study of successful and unsuccessful managerial behaviour. (iv) Communication:It includes the study of factors relating to achieving understanding among persons in an organisation as a consideration of the best structuring and use of the channels of contract in an organisation. (v) Employee Development:It is concerned with the continued upgrading of employee skills and managerial skills.This new thinking in management started with the development of need hierarchy by Abraham Maslow in 1940, followed by the works of Frederick Herzberg, Douglas Mcgregor and Kemis Likert.

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